Shunit Reiter

Ph.D. Special Education & Services for Persons with Special Needs

 Place and date of birth: Haifa, Israel - February 10, 1945

Citizenship: Israeli

Home telephone Number: 04-8343007

Office Address and Phone: Faculty of Education, University of Haifa 04-8240111

Electronic Address telefax Number: 04-8240911

Prof. Shunit Reiter

As a Professor Emerita, of the faculty of education, department of special education, I continue my research and related academic activities in recent years with a focus on the following:

The evaluation of special education programs for school students and support programs for adults with disabilities; my research relates to the evaluation of programs that enhance quality of life and meaningful life for children and adults with disabilities.

Another area in which I focus my academic activities relates to conceptual issues in relation to social attitudes and services for persons with disabilities. In my writings and in my teaching, I expand on the Humanistic philosophy as the conceptual bases of programs in education and in relation to welfare services provided to adults. I demonstrate the implementation of the humanistic orientation in my research activities, in demonstration projects and demonstrate how a humanistic model can be implemented both in schools and in relation to adults.

Since my retirement in 2016, I accepted Dr. Ran Neuman’s invitation to be the academic advisor to the research center he initiated at Kfar Tikah, a residential home for adults with intellectual developmental disabilities. Within this center we conduct research and support programs based on the Humanistic orientation as well as organize conferences, publish academic writings, and demonstrate the integration of theory and practice.