Shunit Reiter

Scholarly Positions and Activities Outside the University

Membership in Professional Associations 

 1982- The American Association on Mental Retardation, Member.

1986- The International Study Group on Special Educational Needs (limited referred participation), Member.

1992- The Council for Exceptional Children, Member.

1993- The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability, Member.

2000- HAZAMA - The Association of Teachers, Counselors and Therapists who Work with Students with Special Needs. Founder and Chairperson.

2001- The National Association for Special Educational Needs, England, Manchester, Member. 

Responsibilities in Editing Journals

1985- Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation (Hebrew), Founder and Editor in Chief.

1987- The International Journal on Rehabilitation Research, Editorial Board Member and Representative for Israel.

2006 - Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, International Advisory Board. 

Public Offices 

1979-1980, The National Committee for the Investigation of the Sheltered Workshops for the Mentally Retarded in Israel, Member.

1984-1986, Keren Meshoulam for the Encouragement of the Treatment and Education of Persons with Mental Retardation, Member.

1995-1998, The Education Committee of the Municipality of Haifa, Member

1996- The National Committee for the Preparation of National Guidelines and Curriculum for Special Education (ages:16-21), Departments of Special Education and Curriculum, Head of Committee.

2001- 2004 The Shalem Special Education Exemplary School, Head of Academic Advisory Committee.

On-going - member in numerous not for profit organizations for persons with disabilities and their families .

2003 - Advisor to Sachnin Teachers' College on developing their special education program

2006 - AHVA - The Association of the Physically Disabled of Haifa and the North - Chairperson

2006 - The Council for Higher Education, Jerusalem - the committees for the accreditation of the Elkasami Teachers' College and The Washington Hill Teachers' College to give a B.Ed degree in special education - Chairperson of the two committees.

2007 - The Council for Higher Education, Jerusalem - the committees for the accreditation of the Elkasami Teachers' College and The Washington Hill Teachers' College to give a B.Ed degree in special education - Chairperson of the two committees.

2007 - Committee for the implantations of the reform of Teachers Education in Israeli Colleges and Universities - Member. 


 Distinguished researcher - bridging the gap between the academia and the community

The Municipality of Haifa , International women's day, March 8 th, 2003, Haifa Israel 

Invited Colloquium

1992, The Open University Radio Lectures, Israel, Special Education and Mental Retardation.

1994, School of Education, Northern Illinois, DeKalb, U.S.A., Conceptual and practical issues in special education and rehabilitation services in Israel, an overview.

1994, International Education Office, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, U.S.A., Social and vocational inclusion of persons with disabilities.

2002, 2003 Sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem Israel and organized by the Israel Embassy at Hanoi.

The University of Education of Hanoi, Vietnam, first, (in 2002) a 2 -weeks introduction seminar on the theory and practice in special education. (40 participants from all over Vietnam).

In 2003, an advanced 2-weeks course on the theory and practice in special education. (60 participants from all over Vietnam). 

Positions in Conferences' Academic Committees

1986-1987, International Conference on Rehabilitation Research, Jerusalem (31/7-26/7), Member.

1993-1994, Bi-National Conference U.S.-Israel: Coordination & Integration of Services for Children, With Special Needs, Policies and Practices in Times of Health Care Reform , Tel Aviv, (1995), Member.

2002- Beit Issie Shapiro's 3 rd International Conference "Challenges and Opportunities: Policy, Practice and Research." Tel Aviv, July 2-4, 2002. Chairpersonof Academic Advisory Committee.

2004 - AYALA, The Israeli Association to be held in the University of Beer Sheva, October, 12th- Chairperson of the section on Special Education.