Shunit Reiter

Active Participation in Scholarly Conferences (Since 1985) 

 109 th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Deficiency, Philadelphia , 1985, Vocational program and research, Kfar Tikva, Israel

International Symposium on Youth and Disability, Jerusalem , 1985, Barriers to vocational adjustments: U.S.A. - Israel perspective (with E. Newman & D, Bryen)

Bi-National Conference USA-Israel: Real Jobs for Real Pay, Temple University Philadelphia 1986 Vocational Rehabilitation in Kfar Tikvah - Legal and psychological aspects

Symposium: A look ahead: Economics, Industry and Disabilaity, Training and Research Institute, Boston College, Boston 1987

Critical factors for understanding on-the job success

International Symposium on Disability Education, Jerusalem , 1987, Family attitudes towards employment of the disabled

112 th Annual Meeting of the American Association on Mental Retardation, Washington , DC . 1988
Career education in "Even Hen", Israel.

The 8 th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Dublin , Ireland , 1988,
Parents of Down's Syndrome children - their needs for support

The International Study Group on Special Education Needs (ISG), Bergische Universtat Wuppertal, Germany, 1988,
Integration, a decade of policy and practice in Israel.

Fourth International Down's Syndrome' Convention, Jerusalem , 1989,
Chair and presenter, parents of Down's syndrome children

Young Adult Institute, 10 th Annual International Conference, New York , 1989,
Ensuring quality of life from infancy through adulthood

The 4 th International Conference on the Heritage of Janusz Korszack, Ramat Gan , Israel, 1989,
The implementation of Korczack's philosophy in special education

The 9 th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Brisbane , Australia , 1992 Mainstreaming children with special needs in Israel: Description of services and analysis of issues.

Stress and Stress Reduction in Schools, First Colloquium of Educational Researchers - University of Haifa and Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf, Duesseldorf , Germany , 1992, Stress and the mainstreaming of children with special needs, and Israeli perspective

International Study Group on Special Education Needs - 13 th research and Development seminar, Druskininkai , Lithuania , 1993,
What do graduates of special schools do six months after leaving school? A follow-up study

International Study Group on Special Education Needs, 14 th Research and Development Seminar, Venice , Italy , 1994,
Mainstreaming in Israel, description and analysis of issues

The Young Adult Institute, Annual Conference, New York , U.S.A. , 1995,
The self concept and quality of life of adults with severe learning disabilities

119 th Annual Meeting American Association on Mental Retardation, San Francisco , California, U.S.A. , 1995,
Transition from school to work: A view from Israel

U.S.-Israel Bi-National conference: Coordination and integration of policies and practices in times of health care reform, Tel Aviv, Israel,
1995 Policy and legislation - the Israeli perspective

The 10 th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, Helsinki , Finland , 1996,
The educational and treatment concept of Israeli service providers and consumers.

The Jerusalem International Conference on Integration and Adaptation, Dimensions in the Rehabilitation of Children and Adolescents with Motor Dysfunction, Jerusalem , 1997,

Life skills - means and ends, and "Me and the community" - a program for the enhancement of autonomy of persons with physical disabilities run by "AHVA", the association of the handicapped of Haifa and the north (with Tibi Goldman). Keynote plenary lecture.

28 th ICSW international Conference on Social Welfare, Promoting Human Well-Being: Addressing the Forces Shaping Society, Jerusalem , Israel , 1998,
'Me and the Community' - A program for the enhancement of autonomy of persons with physical disabilities.

2 nd International Conference on Developmental Disabilities in the Community, Beit IOKITssie Shapiro, Jerusalem , Israel , 1998, - Occupational Knowledge and Interest Test, a reading free vocational interest test.

International Conference - "The Joy of Living" - on Down Syndrome, Jerusalem , Israel , 1999, Quality of Life - the new curriculum for special education high schools in Israel. Keynote plenary lecture.

International Study Group on Special Education, 19 th Seminar, Prague , Charles University, Czech Republic, 1999,
The model of AHVA - a self help organization of persons with physical disabilities

CEC Annual Convention and World Congress, Vancouver , Canada , 2000,
The school principal and inclusion: The role played by the principal with regards to establishing in schools inclusive policies and inclusive behaviors (with Gilada Avisar)

International Special Education Congress - ISEC 2000: Including the Excluded, Manchester , England , 2000,
Quality of life - a central theme of the new high school curriculum guidelines for teachers of adolescents with developmental disabilities - a national project.

Beit Issie Shapiro's 3 rd International Conference "Challenges and Opportunities: Policy, Practice and Research." Tel Aviv, July 2-4, 2002, Keynote presentation. life skills versus the skill of living - the social education of students with developmental disabilities.

CSNSIE Inaugural International Conference Inclusive Education: A Framework for Reform. Hong Kong, 16-19 December, 2003.
Life skills versus the skill of living: The circle of internalization method for the enhancement of the skill of living.

Beit Berl College one day conference: From esearch to Practice in Special Education. Beit Berl, February 23, 2004.
Plenary presentation: The limits of neutrality in research in special education.

The 12 th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability, France , Montpellier 14-19 June, 2004,
Populations & services roundtable: US assistance to developing countries. I was an invited guest speaker as the head of the first Israeli University Center on Disability and based on my professional assistance to Vietnam in developing their special education services.

International Conference on Science Law Ethics - The international Center for Health, Law & Ethics UNESCO Chair on Bioethics, Faculty of Law & the Research Authority, University of Haifa, Haifa 29 th May - 2 nd June, 2005 AKTION T-4: The role of the medical profession in the extermination of persons with disabilities, is the Hippocratic oath a matter of social ideology or is it a moral imperative.

ISEC 2005 - Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress, Inclusion: Celebrating Diversity? The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 1 st - 4 th August, 2005.
With Ifat Shachar, Ending the Silence: Adolescents with developmental disabilities as victims of crimes.

The Second International Conference on Inclusive Education, Hong Kong , The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 9 th - 10 th December, 2005.
The effect of an intervention program on the burnout level, attitudes towards children with disabilities and quality of tutoring of regular school students towards classmates with autism.

Forging New Partnerships for New Challenges Through Research, Education, and Service, AUCD - Association for University Centers on Disabilities, Research, Education, Service Annual Meeting & Conference, Washington DC, USA, October 2 - November 1, 2006.
With Diane Nelson Bryen and Ifat Shachar: Adolescents with intellectual disabilities as victims of abuse.