Shunit Reiter


Ph.D. Thesis

Title: Vocational counseling of mentally handicapped adults

Language: English

Pages: 330

Date: 1975

Supervisor: Edward Whelan, Ph.D.

The Hester Adrian Research Center for the study of learning processes in the mentally retarded,

The University of Manchester, England

Publications of Ph.D. thesis 

Reiter, S., Whelan, E. (1975). Vocational counseling of mentally retarded young adults. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 3, 93-106.

Reiter, S., Whelan, E. (1980). Under or over protection: The self concept of moderately and mildly retarded adults. Journal of Practical Approaches to Developmental Handicap, 4, 14-16.


Reiter, S. (1990). Special Education: Theory and Practice, Tel Aviv: Open University. (Monograph in Hebrew). (p. 64).

Reiter, S. (1997). " Haver Harig": The disabled person in the welfare, health and education systems. Haifa: Gestelit. (Hebrew) (p. 202).

Reiter, S. (1999). Society and disability: An international perspective on social policy. Haifa: AHVA publishers. (p. 270).

Reiter, S. (2004). Circles of Friends: breaking the linkage between loneliness and disability. Haifa: AHVA publishers. (Hebrew) (p. 250).

Reiter, S. (accepted for publication). Persons with Disabilities and the Challenge of Loneliness: a social perspective. Philadelphia: Institute on Disabilities.

Reiter, S. (in press). Disability from a humanistic perspective: Towards a better quality of life. New York: Nova Science Publishers Book Series: Health and Human Development (app. p. 200).

Edited Books

Rimmerman, A., Reiter, S., Hovav, M., (Eds.) (1986). Developmental disability and mental retardation, Tel Aviv: Cherikover. (Hebrew) (p.120).

Retish, P., Reiter, S. (1999). Adults with disabilities: International perspectives in the community. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, publishers.

Reiter, S., Leyser, Y., Avisar , G. (Eds.)- (2007). Shilouvim: The Inclusion of Students with Special Needs in Schools. Haifa: AHVA Publishers. (Hebrew) (p.530).

Articles in referred journals

Reiter, S. & Levi, A.M. (1980). Social activities and the self concept of mentally retarded adults. Psychology and Counseling in Education, 13, 43-47. (Hebrew).

Reiter, S., Palnitzki, A. & Levi, A.M. (1981). Social and vocational integration of mentally retarded adults in the community and in two institutions. The British Journal of Mental Deficiency, 2, 3-7.

Reiter, S., & Levi, A.M. (1981) Leisure activities of mentally retarded , adults. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 16, 201-203.

Reiter, S., & Levi, A.M. (1982). Noninstitutionalized retarded adults: Factors affecting social integration. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 85, 20-25.

Reiter S., Friedman, L., & Levi, A.M. (1982). Mentally handicapped children in special schools in Israel: A focus on social behavior. Intenational Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 5, 477-485.

Ben-Ari, A., & Reiter, S. (1982). The emotional dynamics in the family as perceived by the retarded adult. Journal of Practical Approaches to Developmental Handicap, 6, 3-5.

Isett, R., Roszokowski, M., Scott, S., & Reiter, S. (1983). Tolerance for deviance: A subjective evaluation of the social validity of the focus of treatment in mental retardation. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87, 458-460.

Reiter, S., Friedman, L., & Molcho, M. (1985). Motivation, vocational interests and job satisfaction of mentally retarded adults. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 8, 19-28.

Ben-Ari, A., Conroy, J., Molcho, M., Newman, E. & Reiter, S. (1985). Attitudes of superintendents of institutions for the mentally retarded towards deinstitutionalization: A cross-cultural perspective. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 8, 303-312.

Reiter, S., Rosen, M., & Rinkles, C. (1986). The relationships among vocational training experience, vocational interests and work knowledge of mentally retarded adults. The British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 36, 103-107.

Reiter, S., Mar׳i S., & Rosenberg, Y. (1986). Parental attitdes towards the developmentally disabled among Arab communities in Israel. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 9, 355-362.

Reiter, S., Tirosh, E., Bar-Tikvah, H., & Adam, D. (1987). A survey of needs of parents of developmentally disabled children for medical, psychological and educational services. The International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 10, 241.

Reiter, S., & Asgad, B. (1987). The design and development of Israeli standards for services for the mentally retarded: Preliminary research into local philosophies and practices. The International Journalof Rehabilitation Research, 10, 461-462.

Reiter, S., Asgad, B., & Bar-Tikvah, H. (1989). Developing readiness in the mentally retarded for a life of quality through group relations - the example of ׳Even Hen׳, Israel. The British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 35, 29-39.

Reiter, S., & Asgad, B. (1990). The implementation of a philosophy in education: Janusz Korszak educational principles applied in special education. The British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 36, 4-16.

Reiter, S. (1990). Patterns of vocational interests and work motivation of mentally retarded adults attending vocational rehabilitation centers. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 13, 37-46.

Reiter S. (1990). Institutional reform - prerequisites for providing a life of quality for mentally regarded residents. Research in Develomental Disabilities, 12, 25-40.

Reiter, S. (1990). Mainstreaming disabled people in regular work in Israel - A view to the next decade, theoretical basis for new policies. Society and Welfare, 11, 407-417 (Hebrew).

Reiter, S., Tirosh, E., Bar-Tikvah, H., & Adam, D. (1992). Are there unique attitudes and needs of parents of children with Down׳s Syndrome? A comparative study. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 15, 321-326.

Shechtman, Z., Reiter, S., & Shchanin, M. (1993). Intrinsic motivation of teachers and the challenge of mainstreaming: An empirical investigation. Special Services in the School, 7, 107-124.

Reiter, S., Friedman, L., Goldman, T. (1995). The self employment option for people with disabilities: A case study of ׳AHVA׳ desk top publisher company. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 18, 258-262.

Reiter, S., David, D. (1996). The educational and treatment concept of Israeli service providers - special education teachers, professionals, direct care staff and consumers - parents. The British Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 82, 32-44.

Reiter, S., Palnizky, A. (1996). Transition from school to work of students with developmental disabilities and mental retardation, an Israeli perspective. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 19, 27-39.

Reiter, S., Bendov, D. (1996). The self concept and quality of life of adults with learning disabilities living at home and in the community. The British Journal of Developmental D isabilities, 83, 97-111.

Reiter, S. Palnizky, A. (1996). Career education, expectations of teachers and students with developmental disabilities and mental retardation. International Journal of Special Education, 19, 27-39.

Almosni, Y., Reiter, S. (1996). Creative motor activity as a means of improving the quality of life for individuals with mild and moderate mental retardation. Movement, 3, 485-502. (Hebrew)

Tirosh, E., Shchanin, M., Reiter, S. (1997). Children׳s attitudes towards peers with disabilities: The Israeli perspective. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 39, 811-814.

Reiter, S., Shchanin, M., Tirosh, E. (1998). Israeli elementary school students' and teachers' attitudes towards mainstreaming children with disabilities. Special Services in the Schools, 13, 33-46.

Reiter, S., Goldman, T. (1999). A programme for the enhancement of autonomy in young adults with physical disabilities: The development of a realistic self concept, individual perception of quality of life and the development of independent living skills. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 22, 71-74.

Reiter, S. (2000). Quality of life: A central theme of the new high-school curriculum guidelines for teachers of adolescents with developmental disabilities. A national project, Israel. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 12, 19-32 .

Reiter, S. (2000). Society and disability: A model of support in special education and rehabilitation. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32, 1-16.

Reiter, S. (2001). Autonomy and social skills: A group-based program with adolescents with mental retardation for the enhancement of personal autonomy and social skills. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. 1-14.

Reiter, s. (2001). Social skills' perception of quality of life and self-concept of adolescents with mental retardation: Outcomes of a follow along research of the program: "Me and the community". Studies in Education, 5, 257 -276.

Avisar,G., Reiter, S., Leyser, Y. (2003) Principals' views and practices regarding inclusion: The case of Israeli elementary school principals. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 18, 355-369.

Avisar,G., Reiter, S., Leyser, Y. (2003) . The inclusion of students with special needs in regular education: The school principal as and agent of change. Studies in Educational Administration & Organization, 27, 63-93. (Hebrew).

Vogel, G., Reiter, S. (2003). Spiritual dimensions of Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies for Jewish children with developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities,38, 314-332.

Vogel, G., Reiter, S. (2004). Significance of bar/bat mitzvah ceremony for parents of Jewish children with developmental disabilities. Mental Retardation, 42, 294-303.

Talmor, R., Reiter, S., Feigin, N. (2005). Factors relating to regular education teachers' burnout in inclusive education . European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20, 215-229.

Almousni, J., Reiter, S., BenSira, D. (2005). The impact of different physical education styles on the quality of life of young persons with mental retardation. MOVEMENT, 7, 139-178. (Hebrew).

Reiter, S., Vitany, T. (2007). Inclusion of pupils with autism. Autism, 11, 313-325.

Hutzler, Y., Fiess-Douer, O., Avraham, A., Reiter, S., Talmor, R. (2007). Effects of short-term awareness interventions on children's attitudes toward peers with a disability. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30, 159-161

Reiter, S., Lapidot, N. (2007) Bullying among special education students with intellectual disabilities: Differences in social adjustment and social skills. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 45(3): 174-181.

Schanin, M., Reiter, S. (2007). The Tirat Carmel Center for Learning Disabilities as a lever for beneficial integration of children with special needs. Childhood Education, Inclusive Educational Practices Around the World, 83, 347-350.

Reiter, S. Bryen, D. Shachar, Y. (2007). Adolescents with intellectual disabilities as victims of crimes. Journal of Intellectual Disabilitiy Research, 11, 1 - 17.

Reiter, S., Schalock, R. L. (2008). Applying the concept of quality of life to Israeli Special Education programs: A national curriculum for enhanced autonomy in students with special needs. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 31, 13 - 21.

Schanin, M., Reiter, S. (2007). The Tirat Carmel Center for Learning Disabilities as a lever for beneficial integration of children with special needs. Childhood Education, Inclusive Educational Practices Around the World, 83, 347-350.

Reiter, S. Bryen, D. Shachar, Y. (2007). Adolescents with intellectual disabilities as victims of crimes. Journal of Intellectual Disabilitiy Research, 11, 1 - 17. Impact Factor 1.068

Reiter, S., Schalock, R. L. (2008). Applying the concept of quality of life to Israeli Special Education programs: A national curriculum for enhanced autonomy in students with special needs. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 31, 13 - 21.

Sent for publication:

Shpigelman, C., Reiter S., Weiss, T. (under review). E-Mentoring for youth with special needs: preliminary results. CyberPsychology and Behavior.

Chapters in Books


Reiter, S., & Bryen, D. (1986). The institution as a rehabilitative setting. In M.S. Crissey & M. Rosen (Eds.), Institutions for the Mentally Retarded A Changing Role in Changing Times, (pp. 97-113). Austin, Texas: Pro-Ed Publications.

Reiter, S., & Bryen, D., Newman, E., Talar, Y. (1986). Vocational rehabilitation systems and structures: A bi-national look. In R. Brown (Ed.), Management and administration in rehabilitation: Impact on programs and Personnel. (pp. 157-181). London, England: Croom Helm Ltd.

Reiter, S., & Bryen, D. (1991). Promoting social competence: Implications of work with mentally retarded children and adults in residential setting. In J. Beker, Z. Eisikovits (Eds.), Knowledge utilization in residential child and youth care practice (pp. 99-123). Washington D.C.: Child Welfare League of America.

Reiter, S. (1996). Mainstreaming children with special need in Israel: A major source of stress in schools. In C.E. Schwarzer, & M. Zeidner (Eds.), Stress in academic settings, University of Dusseldorf Press. (pp. 173-192)

Reiter, S. (1998). A theoretical model for a comprehensive education plan, from childhood to young adulthood, for persons with developmental disabilities and mental retardation. In M. Hovav, & A. Rimmerman (Eds.), Readings in Mental Retardation. Jerusalem: Magness Press. (Hebrew)

Reiter, S., Mano, T. (2006). From segregation to inclusion, coping with disability in the community. In: Meir Hoav, Phsach Gitelman, (Eds.). Beit Issie Shapiro 25 years of excellence. Raanana: Beit Issie Shapiro.(pp. 281-297). (Hebrew).

Reiter S (2007). Accesibility: Conceptual Dina Feldman, Yael Daniela Lahav, and Shmuel Haymovitz (Eds) The Accesibility of the Israeli Society for Persons with Disability, on the Threshold of the 21st century. (pages: 81-108) (in Hebrew) Jerusalem: a publication by the Govermental Advertising Agency, the State of Israel.

Invited Chapters:

Reiter, S. (in preparation). The Normalization of Integration: Inclusion as a way of life. In: Shunit Reiter, Yona Leyser, Gilada Avisar (Eds.) Inclusion in School & Community. (Hebrew)

Articles in Conference Proceedings


Reiter, S., & Levi, A.M. (1979) Factors affecting the integration of the retarded in society. In P. Mitler (Eds.), Frontiers of knowledge in mental retardation, 1, (pp. 247-257). Baltimore, U.S.A: University Park Press. Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Assocition for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency.

Reiter, S., Safir, M., & Friedman, L. (1982). Promoting competencies for interpersonal relations in mentally retarded children. In J.M. Berg, (Ed.), Perspectives and Progress in Mental Retardation, 1, (pp. 73-85). Baltimore, U.S.A: University Park Press. Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency.

Rutenberg, Y., Reiter, S. (2002). Changing attitudes of students at a teachers' college regarding children with disabilities and their inclusion in regular education. In the Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Teachers' Preparation, Achva teachers' college, June 2002.


Reiter, S. (2004). Life skills versus the skill of living: the circle of internalization method for the enhancement of the skill of living. In: Vivian Heung & Mel Ainscow (Eds.) Inclusive Education: A framework for reform (pp. 241-255). Hong Kong: Centre for Special Needs and Studies in Inclusive Education.

Reiter, S., Bryen, N. D., Shachar, I., Lapidot, N. (2005). Ending the Silence: Adolescents with developmental disabilities as victims of crime. Proceedings of ISEC 2005 Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress. UK: Published and distributed by Inclusive Technology Ltd. 

Other Scientific Publications

Research Reports

Bryen, D., Newman, E., Reiter, S., & Hakim, S. (1987). Barriers to employability of persons with handicaps: A bi-national study in the United States and Israel. (pp. 1-420). Philadelphia: Temple University Developmental Disabilities Center.

Reiter, S., Talmor, R. & Hutzler, S., Abraham, A., Duer, A., Eliphant, L. (2004). Joint sports activities of students with moderate and severe physical disabilities and regular education students. Report of an action research conducted as part of a project run at Spivak Special Sports Club for persons with physical disabilities. Jerusalem: The National Insurance Institute. (pp. 1-37).

Books Review:

Book Review for the International Sociology Review of Books: Reiter, S. (2007). Review of 'In or Out of the Mainstream: lessons from research on disability and development corporation', By Bill Albert. 

Other Publications

 Technical Reports

Avisar, G., Pintsy, S., Kaplan, A., & Reiter, S. (1979). Services for the disabled: A cross-cultural prospective of services in the United States and Israel. Report of an Israeli exchange delegation of experts to the U.S.A. (pp. 1-35). The Center for Rehabilitation and Human Development, University of haifa.

Baram, B., Zalmanov, Y., Kreizler, A., Reiter, S., & Spiro, S. (Chairman). (1980). Report of The national committee for the investigation of the vocational rehabilitation centers for the mentally retarded in Israel. (pp. 1-21). School of Social Work, University of Tel Aviv. (Hebrew) (see: Public Offices).

Reiter, S. Rotem,R. (2002). Implementing a quality of life model for intellectually disabled children. Report to MASHAV - Center for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem. (pp. 1-9).

Social Learning Curricula

Shchanin, M., Avisar, G., & Reiter, S. (1980). Social learning programs: Family and sex education . The Center for Rehabilitation and Human Development, University of Haifa.

Maman, R., & Reiter, S. (1981, 1986). Social learning programs: How do I look A program for for personal hyciene . The Center for Rehabilitation and Human Development, University of Haifa.

Bar-Tikvah, H., Reiter, S. & Friedman, L. (1984). Social learning programs: A program for developing interpersonal relations competencies in the mentally retarded . The Center for Rehabilitation and Human Development, University of Haifa.

Shlomi, D., & Reiter, S. (1985). Social learning programs: We have a good time - A program for leisure time activities. The Center for Rehabilitation and Human Development, University of Haifa.

Reiter, S., Shlomi, D., Zeder, S. (1997).Social competency. National Guidelines for Special Education. Unit A: Social Education. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Planing.

Reiter, S., Shlomi, D., Zeder, S. (1999). Transition from school to the community, National Guidelines for Special Education. Unit A: Social Education. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Planing.

Reiter, S., Shlomi, D., Zeder, S . (2001). Transition from school to the community, National Guidelines for Special Education. Unit B. Vocational Education. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Planing.

Reiter, S., Shlomi, D., Zeder, S. (2003). Transition from school to the community, National Guidelines for Special Education. Unit C. Towards Autonomy, preparing youth to leave home and live independently in the community . Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Planing.

Reiter, S., Shlomi, D., Zeder, S. (2007). Citizenship education, National Guidelines for Special Education. Unit D. Towards Autonomy, preparing youth to leave home and live independently in the community . Jerusalem: Ministry of Education Department of Curriculum Planning.

Assessment Instruments

Whelan, E., & Reiter, S. (1981). The Illustrated Vocational Inventory. Manchester, England: Copewell Pulications.

Reiter, S., & Asgad, B. (1987). Sulam Even-Hen - Assessment scales for the evaluation of academic achievements, social competencies and pre-vocational skills for the mentally retarded. Even-Hen, Netanya.(Hebrew).

Schalock, R.L., Bartnik, E., Wu, F., Koning, A., Lee, C., & Reiter,S. (1990). An international perspective on quality of life measurement and use. Presented at the 104th Annual Convention of the Association on Mental Retardation, Atlanta , Georgia.

Reiter, S. (1997). The Occupational Knowledge and Interest Test. Haifa: 'AHVA' desk top publishers. (Hebrew) 

Articles in "Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation", of which I am the Editor:

Reiter, S. (1987). Vocational rehabilitation in Kfar Tikvah, Israel: Legal and psychological aspects. Special Education and Rehabilitation, 2-3, 217-228.

Reiter, S., & Asgad, B. (1998). Career education, developing the work personality of children and young adults with mental retardation, the example of 'Even-Hen', Israel. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 5, 101-114.

Reiter, S. (1989). Integrating disabled children into regular schools: A challenge for the 90's. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 6, 27-44.

Reiter, S., & Asgad, B. (1992). Theoretical analysis and comparison of current attitudes in special education and rehabilitation: An outline of three models. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 7, 115-128.

Reiter, S. (1995). Policy and legislation, the Israeli perspective, Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 10, 65-71.

Reiter, S., Goldman, T. Lieblich, N. (1997). "Me and the Community", a program for preparation of youth with physical disabilities for autonomy, run by AHVA, the association of the physically handicapped of Haifa and the north. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 12, 5-20. (Hebrew).

Reiter, S., Goldman, T. (1998). A proposal of a model of vocational self initiative based on the concept of quality of life. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 13, 50-63. (Hebrew).

Reiter, S. (1999). Beyond "normalization", quality of life as a basic concept in the understanding of the child with special needs. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 14, 61-71. (Hebrew).

Reiter, S. (2000). Group processes and outcomes of an educational program for the enhancement of personal autonomy and social competencies among adolescents with mental retardation. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 15, 19-39. (Hebrew).

Avisar, G., Reiter, S., Leyzer, Y. (2001). The school principal as a crucial factor in introducing inclusion of students with special needs. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 16, 5-17.

Reiter, S. (2002). "Life skills versus "the skill of living": A national curriculum guidelines for enhancing empowerment among middle and high school students with disabilities. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 17, 17-37.

Reiter, S. (2003). The learning environment as a challenge enhancing development . Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 18, 87-93.

Reiter, S. (2004). The limits of neutrality in research in special education. Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 19, 83-91.

Reiter, S. (2007). AKTION T - 4 - the role of doctors and the medical instituion during the Natzi regim in the extermination of persons with disabilities: is the Hypocratic oath an expression of a social ideology or is it a moral imperative? Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 21, 102- 109.